Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Kramer Loses It

Michael Richards (who plays Kramer on Seinfeld) has lost it. A black guy heckled him during a standup show he was doing, then all hell broke loose. I couldn't believe somebody could do this in 2006 America in public.


La Gitana said...

I was appauled. He apologized on David Letterman though and he went off on tangents and tangents it was disgusting.

GC said...

Yes, I saw the apology but it was completely not convincing. The way he went into that racist tirade was just way too easy - it wasn't really about anger, it was what he thought.

Anonymous said...

i note that no one objects to the use of the word "cracker".

GC said...

Well, after all of what Michael Richards said, I wouldn't be surprised for one racial insult as a reaction.